Tuesday, 14 October 2014

A first encounter.

Awkwardness 101- a brief how to

As first encounters go, I'm sure this will be pretty mediocre. I doubt there's any way to have a first encounter with strangers on the internet that wouldn't be awkward, as proven by this long winded and embarrassingly vague attempt at whit. Ignoring that,lets proceed.

Hello. I'm Emma,  I'm 17 and from a wonderfully delightful town called Gateshead. (If you've been to Gateshead you'll understand and appreciate the sarcasm in that sentence, Gateshead is anything but delightful and quite frankly can only be described as the place dreams go to die.) I can only describe myself as having an overwhelming love for all things floral and cath kidston-esque, that is equally weighted by an undying love for cherry lambrini. Classy, classy gal.

I'm not entirely sure why I've started a blog but I must say I do quite enjoy the thought of sharing my thoughts with delightful internet folk, an example of my optimistic hope that I actually reach anyone other than the occasional old lady who stumbles onto my page whilst learning how to operate the internet.

I hope this little opening statement to my blog wasn't too awkward to handle and that you do infact return, it would be rather lovely.

Emma x

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