Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Edinburgh for the day.

Train delays and soy lattes. 

A brisk awakening was necessary this fine Wednesday morning; my grandma, cousin and I were Edinburgh bound. I found myself awake at 5:30am, too cold to sleep, and ready by 6am. Talk about organised. After some brief faffing and a spot of breakfast, we marched from my grandmas house to the metro station, braving the freezing temperatures and paying extortionate prices for single tickets to the train station.
(£2.60??? I nearly died!) 
In central station and 20 minutes early, we were rather chuffed, wasting time buying chewing gum and overpriced coffees. But this joy at our organisational skills didn't last long - delays. First a ten minute delay, then twenty then false hope as it fell by a minute, only to rise by five a second later. 

There was then an announcement stating we had to be at a different platform, meaning a lengthily trek over a steep bridge, a difficult task when you have your elderly grandma and cousin with a broken foot. Eventually, 50 minutes later than our arrival at the station, we boarded the train 30 minutes behind schedule. Annoying that the only time we've ever been early for anything in our lives it's delayed. Nothing is ever straightforward, but then again where'd the fun in that be? 
On the train and ready for the day, i started out with a brief wave of excitement, to be followed by a small nap and then a brief period of annoying my cousin by tapping her head continuously. Oh the banter. Then it was time to take cute selfies with my grandma. 
Then we arrived and we were HUNGRY. Food was all we could think about. It took us a long time to navigate our way around and we found ourselves hopelessly wandering with no brunch location in sight. Then we found  a 'tea boutique'. We felt ever so working class. 
One word - AMAZING
After a bite to eat, we had a shop around. Some serious damage was done to my already minimal bank account, after a 5 story primark and a 3 story H&M I have barely a penny to my name. Le cry. 
As I say, I was with my grandma and cousin who has a broken foot. This meant they couldn't keep up with my shopping-adrenaline fuelled speed and lots of pit stops on benches. I wasn't complaining. 
Edinburgh is a lovely place and is great for shopping. However if I see another packet of Westie shaped shortbread ever again I will probably cry, they seem to be on sale everywhere. Who doesn't love a tourist cliché aY? 
After all of that shopping, sitting down and drinking coffee, we felt it necessary to have dinner. We were looking for a cheap and cheerful pizza place, or as I prefer to call it; a shitalian. 
Instead, we found ourselves in what can only be described as the ritz of pizzerias. A place were there was marble spiral staircase to the toilets and portion size is negatively correlated to price (that's a bit of mathematical humour for you all). We ended up here by total fluke. If it was by choice, we'd have been in subway having a sub of the day and a drink for £3. Nevertheless, it was amazing and we all had a giggle at our gateshead  clampit ways.  
I ended my day in the greatest of ways- with a Mars bar. 
I really had such a lovely day. 
Emma x

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