Monday, 20 October 2014

Homemade knitted bunting.

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My knitta, my knitta

I do enjoy a good crafty project, who doesn't? As the weather starts to get colder and autumn goes into full swing, I begin to find myself making an endless amount of bunting and adorning everything with fairy lights-not to mention the increased rate of candle burning. All of this is my attempt to make my room feel a bit cosier, considering during most of November/December I'll find myself huddled up in blankets here so I try to make everything as aesthetically pleasing as possible. 

So, here's a little tutorial on how I made this delightful pastel blue knitted bunting.

My knitting knowledge is far from extensive, my skills stretch as far as a simple pattern and the basic ability to cast on and cast off. I wanted this bunting to be mini triangles to they would sit nicely along my shelves (also because I didn't want them to be too technical). 

If you have absolutley no knowledge when it comes to knitting, a basic YouTube tutorial might be of help here, all you need to know is how to cast on and once you can do that, the rest is easy. 

When you cast on, you need to set the wool out in a loop with the needle inside, pull the end until it's tight around the needle; 
Next you need to put ten loops on the needle
And complete one line of knitting. 
Now, complete the next line and on the last loop you drop it, pulling a previous loop over the top of it in order create the angled edges of the bunting. Repeat this after every line until the end loop, tie a knot and cut off excess wool. 

I absolutley love the final result and I think it's the perfect adornment to shelves everywhere. 

I hope this little how-to encourages a few people and isn't too vague. Once you have basic knitting knowledge, you'll understand what I'm trying to explain, but as I myself don't really know what I'm doing, my explaination isn't very clear. Hopefully you enjoy this mini tutorial for my knitted bunting, 

Emma x 


  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. So cute!
